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Posts from August 2014

Gustin Partners | August 20, 2014 |

The Technology Literacy of the Modern Computer User

In the old days, many a keynote speaker at major technology industry conferences [e.g., Comdex] would use as a laugh-line the comment that the technology industry was one of only two professions who referred to their customers as “users”. The other industry of course being drug pushers. The phrase “user” implied a one-sided relationship with customers who were perceived as being ignorant, powerless and semi or totally addicted to the digital substances being distributed.... Read more

Gustin Partners | August 04, 2014 |

And Another Thing…Demographics

By: Thornton May
Futurist, Senior Advisor with GP, Executive Director & Dean - IT Leadership Academy

My research leads me to believe that one of the six ideas executives need to keep Top of Mind is DEMOGRAPHICS.

Futurists LOVE Demographics [the particular features of a population, for example people's age or race] and Demography [the study of populations]. Demographic baselining is where one starts understanding humans at work. The demographic conversation in most organizations today revolves around “what are we going to do with the Millennials?”
... Read more


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