Everyone knows that things change. Many realize that EVERYTHING changes. The deeper thinkers among us notice that things change at different rates. I recently work-shopped with 150+ CXOs asking how they thought leadership would change over the next fifteen years. I specifically asked, “what will leadership look like in 2030”?... Read more
One P futurists make predictions. Two P futurists “precipitate preparations” [i.e., create awareness of future conditions requiring current period behavior change and investment]. Many One P futurists predicted that power in the enterprise [and power over budgets] would shift dramatically to Chief Marketing Officers and Chief Digital Officers. In the last two years the pendulum has swung away from turning the keys over to the marketing tribe. Whether this is because the marketing folk have made such a hash out of mobile and social investments I cannot say. As a Two P futurist I can safely attest that all C’s – whether they are in favor and have access to budget or not – are going to have to prepare for New-Think Marketing.... Read more
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